In principle, all adults can become ordinary members of DIGNITAS even if they are not resident in Switzerland and have foreign citizenship. However, we must make it quite clear that DIGNITAS can only provide its members with support within Swiss national territory.
Members who want to secure the services of DIGNITAS have the right to legally effective Patient’s Instructions, to being accompanied at the end of their lives and also to assistance to an accompanied suicide. In addition they are entitled to counselling, so far as the association can provide it, in everything concerning their human dignity in life and in death. DIGNITAS attaches great importance to providing its members with contacts for whom humanity is of great value. The DIGNITAS motto “To live with dignity – To die with dignity” is a promise.
In order to join DIGNITAS, one only needs to fill in the declaration of membership and send it to DIGNITAS. DIGNITAS will confirm the acceptance of membership in writing and provide the DIGNITAS Patient’s Instructions form. With this letter the new member also receives an invoice with detailed payment instructions. The member fills in the Patient’s Instructions and returns the original to DIGNITAS. DIGNITAS registers the Patient’s Instructions and provides the member with sufficient copies. This concludes the process of becoming a member of DIGNITAS.
Declaration of membership
First, please read the information-brochure carefully. The declaration of membership is binding and you are obliged to pay the one-off joining fee of Swiss Francs 220 and the subscription of Swiss Francs 80. Upon receipt of your declaration, we shall send you a confirmation of your membership as well as an invoice with payment instructions. Should you require general information, please send us an e-mail to
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I hereby enrol as a member of "DIGNITAS - To live with dignity - To die with dignity" and I have read and understood the DIGNITAS information brochure.
I am aware of the conditions:
One-off joining fee Swiss Francs (CHF) 220 (approx GBP £ 195 / USD $ 234 / Euro € 222); annual membership subscription at each individual member's discretion, yet, at least CHF 80 (approx GBP £ 71 / USD $ 85 / Euro € 81). People living in very modest financial circumstances may apply for a reduction or even exemption of these fees. The reduction of or exemption from contributions is discussed and agreed beforehand.
Declaration of membership (PDF)
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